phoenix_title wx.PyEventBinder

Instances of this class are used to bind specific events to event handlers.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class PyEventBinder:

method_summary Methods Summary



Bind this set of event types to target using its Connect() method.


Remove an event binding.


For backwards compatibility with the old EVT_ functions.


Make it easy to get to the default EventType typeID for this

property_summary Properties Summary


See _getEvtType

api Class API

class wx.PyEventBinder(object)

Instances of this class are used to bind specific events to event handlers.


__init__(self, evtType, expectedIDs=0)

Bind(self, target, id1, id2, function)

Bind this set of event types to target using its Connect() method.

Unbind(self, target, id1, id2, handler=None)

Remove an event binding.

__call__(self, *args)

For backwards compatibility with the old EVT_* functions. Should be called with either (window, func), (window, ID, func) or (window, ID1, ID2, func) parameters depending on the type of the event.


Make it easy to get to the default wxEventType typeID for this event binder.



See _getEvtType