phoenix_title wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.HandSet

Manages the set of hands.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class HandSet:

api Class API

class HandSet

Manages the set of hands.


__init__(self, parent, h, m, s)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Draw(self, dc)

GetBorderColour(self, target)

GetBorderWidth(self, target)

GetFillColour(self, target)


GetSize(self, target)

RecalcCoords(self, clocksize, centre, scale)

SetBorderColour(self, colour, target)

SetBorderWidth(self, width, target)

SetFillColour(self, colour, target)

SetMaxRadius(self, radius)

SetShadowColour(self, colour)

SetSize(self, size, target)