A point DrawObject
The Bounding box is just the point, and doesn’t include the Diameter.
The HitLineWidth is used as diameter for the Hit Test.
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.DrawObject
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.XYObjectMixin
(XYObjectMixin, ColorOnlyMixin, DrawObject)¶A point DrawObject
The Bounding box is just the point, and doesn’t include the Diameter.
The HitLineWidth is used as diameter for the Hit Test.
(self, XY, Color="Black", Diameter=1, InForeground=False)¶Default class constructor.
XY – the (x, y) coordinate of the center of the point, or a 2-tuple, or a (2,) NumPy array
Color – see SetColor
Diameter (integer) – in screen points
InForeground – define if object is in foreground
(self, Diameter)¶Set the diameter of the object.
Diameter (integer) – in screen points