phoenix_title wx.lib.floatcanvas.Utilities.GUI.RubberBandBox

Class to provide a GUI Mode that makes a rubber band box that can be drawn on a Window

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RubberBandBox:

method_summary Methods Summary


Default class constructor.




api Class API

class RubberBandBox(GUIMode.GUIBase)

Class to provide a GUI Mode that makes a rubber band box that can be drawn on a Window


__init__(self, CallBack, Tol=5)

Default class constructor.

  • CallBack – is the method you want called when the mouse is released. That method will be called, passing in a rect parameter, where rect is: (Point, WH) of the rect in world coords.

  • Tol – The tolerance for the smallest rectangle allowed. defaults to 5. In pixels

OnLeftDown(self, event)

OnLeftUp(self, event)

OnMove(self, event)