phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod

This module provides a basic “weak method” implementation, WeakMethod. It uses weakref.WeakRef which, used on its own, produces weak methods that are dead on creation, not very useful. Use the getWeakRef(object) module function to create the proper type of weak reference (weakref.WeakRef or WeakMethod) for given object.


Copyright since 2006 by Oliver Schoenborn, all rights reserved.


BSD, see LICENSE_BSD_Simple.txt for details.

function_summary Functions Summary


Get a weak reference to obj. If obj is a bound method, a WeakMethod

class_summary Classes Summary


Represent a weak bound method, i.e. a method which doesn’t keep alive the


getWeakRef(obj, notifyDead=None)

Get a weak reference to obj. If obj is a bound method, a WeakMethod object, that behaves like a WeakRef, is returned; if it is anything else a WeakRef is returned. If obj is an unbound method, a ValueError will be raised.