.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. _wx.MultiChoiceDialog: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.MultiChoiceDialog** ========================================================================================================================================== This class represents a dialog that shows a list of strings, and allows the user to select one or more. ^^ .. _MultiChoiceDialog-styles: |styles| Window Styles ================================ This class supports the following styles: - ``wx.OK``: Show an ``wx.OK`` button. - ``wx.CANCEL``: Show a Cancel button. - ``wx.CENTRE``: Centre the message. ^^ .. seealso:: :ref:`MultiChoiceDialog Overview `, :ref:`wx.SingleChoiceDialog` | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class MultiChoiceDialog:
| |appearance| Control Appearance =============================== | .. figure:: _static/images/widgets/fullsize/wxmsw/wx.multichoicedialog.png :alt: wxMSW :figclass: floatleft **wxMSW** .. figure:: _static/images/widgets/fullsize/wxmac/../no_appearance.png :alt: wxMAC :figclass: floatright **wxMAC** .. figure:: _static/images/widgets/fullsize/wxgtk/wx.multichoicedialog.png :alt: wxGTK :figclass: floatcenter **wxGTK** | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.__init__` Constructor taking an array of `String` choices. :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.GetClassDefaultAttributes` :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.GetSelections` Returns array with indexes of selected items. :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.SetSelections` Sets selected items from the array of selected items' indexes. :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.ShowModal` Shows the dialog, returning either ``wx.ID_OK`` or ``wx.ID_CANCEL``. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |property_summary| Properties Summary ===================================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :attr:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.Selections` See :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.GetSelections` and :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.SetSelections` ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: wx.MultiChoiceDialog(Dialog) **Possible constructors**:: MultiChoiceDialog(parent, message, caption, n, choices, style=CHOICEDLG_STYLE, pos=DefaultPosition) MultiChoiceDialog(parent, message, caption, choices, style=CHOICEDLG_STYLE, pos=DefaultPosition) This class represents a dialog that shows a list of strings, and allows the user to select one or more. .. method:: __init__(self, *args, **kw) |overload| Overloaded Implementations: :html:`

` **__init__** `(self, parent, message, caption, n, choices, style=CHOICEDLG_STYLE, pos=DefaultPosition)` Constructor taking an array of `String` choices. :param `parent`: Parent window. :type `parent`: wx.Window :param `message`: Message to show on the dialog. :type `message`: string :param `caption`: The dialog caption. :type `caption`: string :param `n`: The number of choices. :type `n`: int :param `choices`: An array of strings, or a string list, containing the choices. :type `choices`: string :param `style`: A dialog style (bitlist) containing flags chosen from standard dialog styles and the ones listed in the class documentation. The default value is equivalent to ``wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE`` | ``wx.RESIZE_BORDER`` | ``wx.OK`` | ``wx.CANCEL`` | ``wx.CENTRE``. :type `style`: long :param `pos`: Dialog position. :type `pos`: wx.Point :html:`

` **__init__** `(self, parent, message, caption, choices, style=CHOICEDLG_STYLE, pos=DefaultPosition)` Constructor taking an array of `String` choices. :param `parent`: Parent window. :type `parent`: wx.Window :param `message`: Message to show on the dialog. :type `message`: string :param `caption`: The dialog caption. :type `caption`: string :param `choices`: An array of strings, or a string list, containing the choices. :type `choices`: list of strings :param `style`: A dialog style (bitlist) containing flags chosen from standard dialog styles and the ones listed in the class documentation. The default value is equivalent to ``wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE`` | ``wx.RESIZE_BORDER`` | ``wx.OK`` | ``wx.CANCEL`` | ``wx.CENTRE``. :type `style`: long :param `pos`: Dialog position. :type `pos`: wx.Point :html:`

` .. staticmethod:: GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) :param `variant`: :type `variant`: wx.WindowVariant :rtype: :ref:`wx.VisualAttributes` .. method:: GetSelections(self) Returns array with indexes of selected items. :rtype: `list of integers` .. method:: SetSelections(self, selections) Sets selected items from the array of selected items' indexes. :param `selections`: :type `selections`: list of integers .. method:: ShowModal(self) Shows the dialog, returning either ``wx.ID_OK`` or ``wx.ID_CANCEL``. :rtype: `int` .. attribute:: Selections See :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.GetSelections` and :meth:`~wx.MultiChoiceDialog.SetSelections`