.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. currentmodule:: wx.lib.ogl.divided .. highlight:: python .. _wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape** ========================================================================================================================================== A :class:`DividedShape` is a rectangle with a number of vertical divisions. Each division may have its text formatted with independent characteristics, and the size of each division relative to the whole image may be specified. | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class DividedShape:
| |super_classes| Known Superclasses ================================== :class:`wx.lib.ogl.basic.RectangleShape` | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.__init__` Default class constructor. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.AttachmentIsValid` Is the attachment valid? :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.EditRegions` Edit the region colours and styles. Not implemented. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.GetAttachmentPosition` Get the attachment position. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.GetNumberOfAttachments` Get the number of attachments. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.MakeControlPoints` Make the control points. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.MakeMandatoryControlPoints` Make the mandatory control points. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.OnDraw` The draw handler. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.OnDrawContents` The draw contents handler. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.OnRightClick` The right click handler. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.ResetControlPoints` Reset the control points. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.ResetMandatoryControlPoints` Reset the mandatory control points. :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.SetRegionSizes` Set all region sizes according to proportions and this object :meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.divided.DividedShape.SetSize` Set the size. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: DividedShape(RectangleShape) A :class:`DividedShape` is a rectangle with a number of vertical divisions. Each division may have its text formatted with independent characteristics, and the size of each division relative to the whole image may be specified. .. method:: __init__(self, w, h) Default class constructor. :param `w`: width of rectangle :param `h`: height of rectangle .. method:: AttachmentIsValid(self, attachment) Is the attachment valid? :param `attachment`: the attachment .. method:: EditRegions(self) Edit the region colours and styles. Not implemented. .. method:: GetAttachmentPosition(self, attachment, nth = 0, no_arcs = 1, line = None) Get the attachment position. Attachment points correspond to regions in the divided box. :param `attachment`: the attachment ??? :param `nth`: get nth attachment ??? :param `no_arcs`: ??? :param `line`: ??? .. method:: GetNumberOfAttachments(self) Get the number of attachments. There are two attachments for each region (left and right), plus one on the top and one on the bottom. .. method:: MakeControlPoints(self) Make the control points. .. method:: MakeMandatoryControlPoints(self) Make the mandatory control points. .. method:: OnDraw(self, dc) The draw handler. .. method:: OnDrawContents(self, dc) The draw contents handler. .. method:: OnRightClick(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0) The right click handler. .. method:: ResetControlPoints(self) Reset the control points. .. note:: May only have the region handles, (n - 1) of them .. method:: ResetMandatoryControlPoints(self) Reset the mandatory control points. .. method:: SetRegionSizes(self) Set all region sizes according to proportions and this object total size. .. method:: SetSize(self, w, h, recursive = True) Set the size. :param `w`: width of rectangle :param `h`: height of rectangle :param `recursive`: not implemented