phoenix_title wx.adv.RichToolTip

Allows showing a tool tip with more customizations than wx.ToolTip.

Using this class is very simple, to give a standard warning for a password text control if the password was entered correctly you could simply do:

password = wx.TextCtrl(parent, style=wx.TE_PASSWORD)

# Later on...
tip = wx.adv.RichToolTip("Caps Lock is on",
                         "You might have made an error in your password\n"
                         "entry because Caps Lock is turned on.\n"
                         "Press Caps Lock key to turn it off.")

Currently this class has generic implementation that can be used with any window and implements all the functionality but doesn’t exactly match the appearance of the native tooltips (even though it makes some efforts to use the style most appropriate for the current platform) and a native MSW version which can be only used with text controls and doesn’t provide as much in the way of customization. Because of this, it’s inadvisable to customize the tooltips unnecessarily as doing this turns off auto-detection of the native style in the generic version and may prevent the native MSW version from being used at all.

Notice that this class is not derived from wx.Window and hence doesn’t represent a window, even if its ShowFor method does create one internally to show the tooltip.

The images below show some examples of rich tooltips on different platforms, with various customizations applied.

New in version 2.9.3.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RichToolTip:

appearance Control Appearance







method_summary Methods Summary


Constructor must specify the tooltip title and main message.


Set the background colour.


Set the small icon to show.


Set timeout after which the tooltip should disappear and optionally set a delay before the tooltip is shown, in milliseconds.


Choose the tip kind, possibly none.


Set the title text font.


Show the tooltip for the given window and optionally specify where to show the tooltip.

api Class API

class wx.adv.RichToolTip(object)

Possible constructors:

RichToolTip(title, message)

Allows showing a tool tip with more customizations than ToolTip.


__init__(self, title, message)

Constructor must specify the tooltip title and main message.

The main message can contain embedded new lines. Both the title and message must be non-empty.

Additional attributes can be set later.

  • title (string) –

  • message (string) –

SetBackgroundColour(self, col, colEnd=Colour())

Set the background colour.

If two colours are specified, the background is drawn using a gradient from top to bottom, otherwise a single solid colour is used.

By default the colour or colours most appropriate for the current platform are used. If a colour is explicitly set, native MSW version won’t be used as it doesn’t support setting the colour.


SetIcon(self, *args, **kw)

Set the small icon to show.

The icon can be either one of the standard information/warning/error ones, i.e. wx.ICON_INFORMATION, wx.ICON_WARNING or wx.ICON_ERROR respectively (the question icon doesn’t make sense for a tooltip so wx.ICON_QUESTION can’t be used here) or a custom icon. The latter is unsupported by the native MSW implementation of this class so the use of a standard icon is preferred.

overload Overloaded Implementations:

SetIcon (self, icon=ICON_INFORMATION)


icon (int) –

SetIcon (self, icon)


icon (wx.BitmapBundle) –

SetTimeout(self, millisecondsTimeout, millisecondsDelay=0)

Set timeout after which the tooltip should disappear and optionally set a delay before the tooltip is shown, in milliseconds.

By default the tooltip is shown immediately and hidden after a system-dependent interval of time elapses. This method can be used to change this or also disable hiding the tooltip automatically entirely by passing 0 in this parameter (but doing this will prevent the native MSW version from being used).

Notice that the tooltip will always be hidden if the user presses a key or clicks a mouse button.

Parameter millisecondsDelay is new since wxWidgets 2.9.5.

  • millisecondsTimeout

  • millisecondsDelay

SetTipKind(self, tipKind)

Choose the tip kind, possibly none.

See TipKind documentation for the possible choices here.

By default the tip is positioned automatically, as if TipKind_Auto was used. Native MSW implementation doesn’t support setting the tip kind explicitly and won’t be used if this method is called with any value other than TipKind_Auto.

Notice that using non automatic tooltip kind may result in the tooltip being positioned partially off screen and it’s the callers responsibility to ensure that this doesn’t happen in this case.


tipKind (TipKind) –

SetTitleFont(self, font)

Set the title text font.

By default it’s emphasized using the font style or colour appropriate for the current platform. Calling this method prevents the native MSW implementation from being used as it doesn’t support changing the font.


font (wx.Font) –

ShowFor(self, win, rect=None)

Show the tooltip for the given window and optionally specify where to show the tooltip.

By default the tooltip tip points to the (middle of the) specified window which must be not None or, if rect is not None, the middle of the specified wx.Rect.

The coordinates of the rect parameter are relative to the given window.

Currently the native MSW implementation is used only if win is a wx.TextCtrl and rect is None. This limitation may be removed in the future.

Parameter rect is new since wxWidgets 2.9.5.
