phoenix_title wx.lib.pydocview.GeneralOptionsPanel

A general options panel that is used in the OptionDialog to configure the generic properties of a pydocview application, such as “show tips at startup” and whether to use SDI or MDI for the application.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class GeneralOptionsPanel:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary


Initializes the panel by adding an “Options” folder tab to the parent notebook and


Return icon for options panel on the Mac.


Updates the config based on the selections in the options panel.

api Class API

class GeneralOptionsPanel(wx.Panel)

A general options panel that is used in the OptionDialog to configure the generic properties of a pydocview application, such as “show tips at startup” and whether to use SDI or MDI for the application.


__init__(self, parent, id)

Initializes the panel by adding an “Options” folder tab to the parent notebook and populating the panel with the generic properties of a pydocview application.


Return icon for options panel on the Mac.

OnOK(self, optionsDialog)

Updates the config based on the selections in the options panel.