phoenix_title wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGimageBase

A SVGimageBase can be created either from an SVG file or from an in-memory buffer containing the SVG XML code. The result is a collection of cubic bezier shapes, with fill, stroke, gradients, paths and other information.

This class is a Cython-based wrapper around the nanosvg NSVGimage structure, providing just the basic wrapped functionality from nanosvg. Please see the wx.svg.SVGimage class for a derived implementation that adds functionality for integrating with wxPython.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class SVGimageBase:

sub_classes Known Subclasses


method_summary Methods Summary


Loads an SVG image from a bytes object.


Loads an SVG image from a file.


Renders the SVG image to a bytes object as a series of RGBA values.


Renders the SVG image to an existing buffer as a series of RGBA values.

property_summary Properties Summary


Returns the height of the SVG image


A generator that iterates over the SVGshape objects that comprise the SVG image


Returns the width of the SVG image

api Class API

class SVGimageBase(object)

A SVGimageBase can be created either from an SVG file or from an in-memory buffer containing the SVG XML code. The result is a collection of cubic bezier shapes, with fill, stroke, gradients, paths and other information.

This class is a Cython-based wrapper around the nanosvg NSVGimage structure, providing just the basic wrapped functionality from nanosvg. Please see the wx.svg.SVGimage class for a derived implementation that adds functionality for integrating with wxPython.


classmethod CreateFromBytes(type cls, bytes buffer, str units='px', float dpi=96, bool do_copy=True)

Loads an SVG image from a bytes object.

  • buffer (bytes) – object containing the SVG data

  • units (str) – One of: ‘px’, ‘pt’, ‘pc’ ‘mm’, ‘cm’, or ‘in’

  • dpi (float) – controls how the unit conversion is done

  • do_copy (bool) – indicates if the given bytes object should be copied to avoid in-place modification. This should be set to True if the given buffer object may ever be reused in any capacity. If the given buffer will only be used once, and the cost of copying it is problematic, then do_copy can be set to False.

Return type

An instance of cls (usually a SVGimage)

classmethod CreateFromFile(type cls, str filename, str units='px', float dpi=96)

Loads an SVG image from a file.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to load the SVG image from

  • units (str) – One of: ‘px’, ‘pt’, ‘pc’ ‘mm’, ‘cm’, or ‘in’

  • dpi (float) – controls how the unit conversion is done

Return type

An instance of cls (usually a SVGimage)

Rasterize(self, float tx=0.0, float ty=0.0, float scale=1.0, int width=-1, int height=-1, int stride=-1) → bytes

Renders the SVG image to a bytes object as a series of RGBA values.

  • tx (float) – Image horizontal offset (applied after scaling)

  • ty (float) – Image vertical offset (applied after scaling)

  • scale (float) – Image scale

  • width (int) – width of the image to render, defaults to width from the SVG file

  • height (int) – height of the image to render, defaults to height from the SVG file

  • stride (int) – number of bytes per scan line in the destination buffer, typically width * 4


A bytearray object containing the raw RGBA pixel color values

RasterizeToBuffer(self, buf, float tx=0.0, float ty=0.0, float scale=1.0, int width=-1, int height=-1, int stride=-1) → bytes

Renders the SVG image to an existing buffer as a series of RGBA values.

The buffer object must support the Python buffer-protocol, be writable, and be at least width * height * 4 bytes long. Possibilities include bytearrays, memoryviews, numpy arrays, etc.

  • buf – An object supporting the buffer protocol where the RGBA bytes will be written

  • tx (float) – Image horizontal offset (applied after scaling)

  • ty (float) – Image vertical offset (applied after scaling)

  • scale (float) – Image scale

  • width (int) – width of the image to render, defaults to width from the SVG file

  • height (int) – height of the image to render, defaults to height from the SVG file

  • stride (int) – number of bytes per scan line in the destination buffer, typically width * 4



Returns the height of the SVG image


A generator that iterates over the SVGshape objects that comprise the SVG image


Returns the width of the SVG image