phoenix_title wx.lib.plot.utils.TempStyle

Decorator / Context Manager to revert pen or brush changes.

Will revert pen, brush, or both to their previous values after a method call or block finish.

param which:

The item to save and revert after execution. Can be one of {'both', 'pen', 'brush'}.

type which:


param dc:

The DC to get brush/pen info from.

type dc:


# Using as a method decorator:
@TempStyle()                        # same as @TempStyle('both')
def func(self, dc, a, b, c):        # dc must be 1st arg (beside self)
    # edit pen and brush here

# Or as a context manager:
with TempStyle('both', dc):
    # do stuff


As of 2016-06-15, this can only be used as a decorator for class methods, not standard functions. There is a plan to try and remove this restriction, but I don’t know when that will happen…

Combination Decorator and Context Manager! Also makes Julienne fries! Will not break! Will not… It broke!

—The Genie

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class TempStyle:

method_summary Methods Summary


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

api Class API

class TempStyle(object)

Decorator / Context Manager to revert pen or brush changes.

Will revert pen, brush, or both to their previous values after a method call or block finish.

  • which (str) – The item to save and revert after execution. Can be one of {'both', 'pen', 'brush'}.

  • dc (wx.DC) – The DC to get brush/pen info from.

# Using as a method decorator:
@TempStyle()                        # same as @TempStyle('both')
def func(self, dc, a, b, c):        # dc must be 1st arg (beside self)
    # edit pen and brush here

# Or as a context manager:
with TempStyle('both', dc):
    # do stuff


As of 2016-06-15, this can only be used as a decorator for class methods, not standard functions. There is a plan to try and remove this restriction, but I don’t know when that will happen…

Combination Decorator and Context Manager! Also makes Julienne fries! Will not break! Will not… It broke!

—The Genie


__init__(self, which='both', dc=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.