phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicdefnprovider.TopicDefnDeserialModule

Deserialize a module containing Python source code defining a topic tree. This loads the module and gives it to an instance of TopicDefnDeserialClass.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class TopicDefnDeserialModule:

method_summary Methods Summary


Load the given named module, searched for in searchPath or, if not


Called automatically by TopicDefnProvider once



Get the next topic definition available from the data. The return


Get the docstring for the topic tree.


Called by the TopicDefnProvider if it needs to

api Class API

class TopicDefnDeserialModule(ITopicDefnDeserializer)

Deserialize a module containing Python source code defining a topic tree. This loads the module and gives it to an instance of TopicDefnDeserialClass.


__init__(self, moduleName, searchPath=None)

Load the given named module, searched for in searchPath or, if not specified, in sys.path. Give it to a TopicDefnDeserialClass.


Called automatically by TopicDefnProvider once it considers the iteration completed. Override this only if deserializer needs to take action, such as closing a file.



Get the next topic definition available from the data. The return must be an instance of TopicDefn. Must return None when no topics are left.


Get the docstring for the topic tree.


Called by the TopicDefnProvider if it needs to restart the topic iteration. Override this only if special action needed, such as resetting a file pointer to beginning of file.